When to Hit an Attack Shot Off a Bounced Ball in Pickleball


Steve Dawson 

When thinking tactically about your balanced attack, you have to first choose the proper ball to attack, which is simply a ball that has bounced a little bit higher in your kitchen. You don’t want to attack a bounced ball that’s low, but when that ball bounces up a little bit higher, you’ll want to seize that moment and attack it. 

On the bounced attack, you want to mess up your opponent and get them leaning one way so you can hit the ball the other way. A very simple way to ensure that you win a bunch of your balanced attacks is to always cross your opponent’s body. You don’t want the ball to go straight ahead. If your opponent is hitting from their forehand to your backhand, that’s a straight line. But if your opponent crosses your body, you have to start from the backhand and switch to your forehand, which mixes you up. If you can do the same and twist them up, you can get far more points that way. 

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