InPickleball is currently seeking the best of the best in the world of pickleball (destinations, gear, events, etc.) for our upcoming issues and digital content. We’re looking for anything and everything that will showcase the gold standard of pickleball – from universal interest to highlighting how it isn’t just a sport, but rather a way of life.

Please send your pitches (no more than two to three paragraphs) along with two or three writing samples using the button below.

Here’s what we’re looking to include

(100-150 word stories) – Both news and feature items in the world of pickleball, including equipment, fashion, style, recipes, court stories, rule changes, and club happenings. These should be punchy but packed with valuable information for players, with takeaways in news, humor, or inspiration.


(300 to 1600 words, depending on scope) – Stories that stem from pickleball but explore broader themes. This could include a court built in an unusual place, a human-interest story, or a humorous take on how pickleball impacted lives. We’re open to compelling lifestyle stories with a pickleball connection.


We are open to all ideas—whether it’s for columns, puzzles, or a never-before-seen pickleball feature.