Neutralize The Attack With a Reset Shot In Pickleball


Kyle Whatnall

When your opponent is on the offensive, playing a reset can help you slow down the point and move forward so you can get in a better position to score. To play a reset, hit the ball out of the air back into your opponent’s kitchen instead of counterpunching or counterattacking. This approach allows you to neutralize the point and get back on even ground with your opponent. Watch the examples in the video to see how it’s done.

Example 1

The far-side team is under attack. Instead of going on the offensive, the left-side player on the far side chooses to reset the ball by sending a dink into his opponent’s kitchen. This restarts the dink rally and gets his team back on a level playing field with the near-side team.  

Example 2

In the second example, the right-side player on the near side reacts to a high drop by playing a ball into his opponent’s kitchen. As he moves forward into midcourt, he decides to send the next ball into the opposing kitchen again to give him and his partner time to move closer to the net. By playing two resets, his team is able to move all the way up to the kitchen line where they have a better chance of scoring.

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