How to Disguise Your Fourth Shot in Pickleball


Steve Dawson

When your opponent is hitting their third shot drop shot and they’ve been unsuccessful, which means it went a little too far and a little too high, the number one thing you should do is crack the ball super hard, making them pay for their poor floating third shot drop.  

But it’s important to remember the rule that the harder you hit a ball, the further from the line you should aim. Hard shots should go to big spots. But once you’ve trained your opponent that you’re going to kill their third shot drop, it leaves you with a very fun choice. By showing your opponent that you’re going to smash their drop shot, you can disguise it and set up a fake, which looks like you’re going to kill it, but then instead you just tap it over the net and let it drop for a winner. It’s a disguised power shot that can catch your opponent running backward.  

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