The Best Shot to Make When Running Down a Lob in Pickleball


Jennifer Dawson

When running down a lob, what’s your best shot option? Trying to hit a drive shot past opponents in the forecourt will likely get blocked. Hitting a lob from your backcourt to theirs will give them time to respond with an overhead shot that could end the rally. When your opponents are in position to block your shot and keep you pushed back, your best option is to try hitting the pickleball back into their kitchen. This will give you a chance to move forward to the non-Volley Zone on your side, which is key since you’ll win most of your points from there. 

When playing doubles, be sure that you and your partner move together. If one of you ends up in the backcourt and one in the forecourt, it creates a big hole in the middle that your opponent can take advantage of. To avoid this, watch each other and talk to make sure you’re always moving in unison.

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