Shoulder Exercises for Pickleball with Resistance Bands


Brit McNevin

This video goes through shoulder mobility using a resistance band. Shoulder mobility is super important in pickleball because of how you’re dinking, hitting, and serving. You want to make sure that your shoulders are also warmed up to prevent injury.

You’ll want to start by hooking up your band on one side to something stationary, like a fence. Then start with internal rotation, taking the band and turning it in and out. Then you can step in and you can go external rotation, so you’re just going out. Once completed, in order to balance it out, you’ll have to turn around and do the same exercises facing the opposite direction. 

For the next exercise, you’re going to lay down on your stomach and stretch to make Y’s, T’s, and W’s with your arms to warm up those shoulders. You can also do like a cross arm stretch.  

Another exercise you can do is make a touchdown call with your arms to get your arms moving up and down. This call can also be done with your back pressed against a wall. 

The last exercise is called the Cuban press. You can do it with very lightweight or without, but here your arms are in a goalpost position. And then you’re going to go rotate them down to a reverse goalpost, then bring them up. 

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