Four Tips for Perfecting the Dink Shot in Pickleball


Learning to execute a dink is critical to your success in pickleball. Since your opponent must allow the ball to bounce before returning it, this soft shot slows the pace of the game. This gives you a chance to move into position close to the net, so you’re ready to handle your opponent’s next shot. Using the following four tips will help you perfect your dinking skills. 

Paddle position

When preparing to dink, hold the paddle in front of your body. This position allows you to squat down and lift the ball up and over the net with either a forehand or backhand shot. For higher shots that force you to volley, keeping your paddle at the 10 or 11 o’clock position enables you to shift from backhand to forehand quickly. 

Body position

Begin in an athletic position with your weight balanced on both feet and your paddle in front of your face. This allows you to react quickly and contact the pickleball in front of your body.

Shoulder lift

Hitting a short shot is similar to executing an underhand toss. Lift your arm using your shoulder, contact the ball with an underhand stroke, and finish with a full follow-through. This takes the wrist and elbow out of the movement, allowing you to hit the pickleball more consistently. 

Leg movement

Along with your shoulders, your legs can help you create lift to get the ball up and over the net. Flexing your legs helps you get low, so you can get the paddle under the ball and lift it over the net to your opponent’s kitchen.

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