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Pickleball Nutrition: How to Craft the Perfect Pre-Match Meal

Pickleball Nutrition: How to Craft the Perfect Pre-Match Meal

  • What you fuel your body with, and when, can make a big difference on the court. To keep your energy soaring throughout the match, check out these five pre-pickleball food hacks!

You spend plenty of time on the pickleball court practicing your dinks and drops, in hopes of dominating your next match. 

But there’s more to winning than simply on-court practice time. The things people tend to overlook – like nutrition – can often make or break your success on the court. 

Studies have found that eating before exercising can lead to a better performance, especially if the meal has plenty of carbs, according to Healthline. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should stop at your favorite pizza joint and enjoy a piping hot slice an hour before your next pickleball match. Fueling your body with the right food is an important facet of effective nutrition! 

In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite pre-match meals and snacks to help you fuel up for pickleball. 

5 Tips for Planning Your Pre-Match Meal

The type of food you eat and when you eat can impact your performance on the pickleball court. 

Here are five tips to help you plan a pre-pickleball meal or snack to keep you energized all match long. 

Focus on Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat

Your body needs carbohydrates, proteins, and fat to perform at its best. Ideally, your pre-match meal should include plenty of carbohydrates to provide energy.  A moderate amount of protein is crucial to provide sustained energy and help with post-match recovery. Fats can also help with energy production, especially if your match will be less intense. 

Consider the Timing 

It’s best to eat your pre-workout meal 2-3 hours before you hit the court. Eating several hours before arriving at the court gives your body enough time to process the food. It might be hard, however, to eat several hours before an early morning match. In these instances, plan to eat a smaller meal about 45-60 minutes before your match.

Pack a Snack

Have you ever had a delicious, healthy meal only to discover your stomach is still rumbling? It’s always a good idea to have a light snack in your pickleball bag for any pre-match cravings. A protein-packed nutrition bar or a piece of fruit are excellent options for a pre-match snack.

Consider a Pre-Workout Supplement

Some athletes love taking a pre-workout supplement to give them a boost of energy and improve their focus. There are plenty of pickleball-focused products on the market, and one might be the perfect fit for your pre-match routine. Check with your doctor or a sports nutritionist to discuss which one is the right fit for you. 

Prioritize Hydration

Regardless of the food you choose for your pre-pickleball meal, your plate should always be accompanied by a huge glass of water. Some experts recommend drinking 20 ounces of water for 2 to 3 hours before exercising to start the hydration process. They also recommend drinking another 20 ounces about 30 minutes before playing. In addition to water, it’s also recommended to have a sports drink that includes carbohydrates and sodium. 

5 Meals or Snacks to Have Before Your Next Pickleball Match

Whether you’re planning to prep your pre-pickleball meal at home or just need a quick snack when you’re on the go, these options are the perfect choice for pre-match fuel. 

Jigsaw Health Pickleball Cocktail

Add this sugar and caffeine-free powder to water in the morning for an electrolyte-fueled drink that will help you power through your matches! The powder has 800mg of potassium, in addition to other minerals that can reduce cramping and help you stay hydrated.

Veggie-Packed Omelet

Omelets are the perfect pre-match meal for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Pack your omelet with veggies – and maybe some bacon or sausage – for a filling meal that provides sustained energy for hours. Add some avocado toast and fruit to balance the meal, and dig in 2-3 hours before your match starts. 

Easy Stir Fry

Assemble a yummy stir fry with your meat of choice and veggies like zucchini, carrots, and peppers. Serve with some brown rice and, of course, some water or an electrolyte drink for a filling meal a few hours before your match.

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

If you’re feeling hungry an hour before your match, reach for a juicy apple and a hearty scoop of peanut butter. This portable option is filling and packed with protein to help you sustain your play on the court. The best part? It’s an easy-to-transport snack to toss in your pickleball bag for post-work matches. 


If you’re always on the go, you need a convenient pre-match snack option you can rely on as you rush from work to the courts. If you have less than an hour before your match, swing by your favorite smoothie shop for a protein-packed drink. As you peruse the menu, look for a drink with healthy carbs, fats, and protein to keep you full and energized the entire time you’re on the court. 

What Will You Eat Before Your Next Pickleball Match? 

Before your next pickleball match, try one of these snack or meal options. Experiment with what and when you eat before a match. Take note of how each option makes you feel. You’ll find the best pre-match nutrition routine in no time!

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